It has been a week since my last post and essentially nothing has moved on in terms of my diagnosis. I have received my appointment to see the Oncology specialist next Friday morning, that will be when I find out exactly what sort of badness was lurking in my left testicle and what we need to do about it, so come back next week to find out more.
Saturday, 30 January 2010
An Update - Of Sorts
Posted by
The Little Medic
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Quite a Week
The news that I had testicular cancer barely had time to settle in last week. After finding out on Tuesday afternoon, things moved rather quickly. On Thursday I had a CT chest/abdo/pelvis and on Friday I was admitted for an operation to remove the offending testicle.
Posted by
The Little Medic
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Breaking Bad News
2010 has not exactly had the best start. Our landlords have just given us notice on our flat as they wish to return and I've been in a car crash which was the fault of some idiot who didn't even bother to stop to check I hadn't died. As they say, things come in threes and it was only a matter of time until something else happened...
Breaking bad news is never easy and is best done under controlled conditions by either a GP or a senior consultant ideally with the support of a specialist nurse. Sometimes it doesn't happen like this and it can be junior doctors who are put in a very awkward position but we're trained for that right? At medical school, a great deal of emphasis was put on communication skills, with particular emphasis on breaking bad news so it should be easy? I've had my own experience of breaking bad news to patients and relatives. Imagine breaking bad news to someone who is a doctor, would that be easier, harder, or perhaps just different?
Yesterday morning I had an ultrasound scan.
I can pinpoint the exact second I knew for sure I had it. It was 11:21 am and I was laid on the ultrasound couch chatting to the radiologist about my career aspirations as he probed my groin. The second he moved the probe up to look at my liver I knew, there could be no other explanation, he was looking to see if it had spread. He didn't say anything and nor did I, but he didn't have to. Although I remained calm, everything after that became a bit of a blur. When he'd finished I'm sure the radiologist already knew that I knew but he nevertheless confirmed my fear, I can't even remember how he broke the bad news but he almost didn't even need to. Before I knew it I'd had a chest x-ray too and was back to work on my ward. I sat there trying to to the simplest of jobs but 10 minutes later realised I hadn't actually done anything. At that point I knew I needed to go home, my consultant was great and I was soon back at home in desperate need of a cuddle or two.
So yeah, I've got testicular cancer, watch this space.
Posted by
The Little Medic